Working and driving on the road does not go without its safety hazards. Road work is considered one of the most dangerous jobs. We must all employ caution when operating a vehicle on the road. These road safety and speed limit slogans serve as a great reminder to obey and law and share the road.A driving tip for the day – yield the right of way.Accidents do not happen, they are caused.Alert today – Alive tomorrow.Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.Be alert! Accidents hurt.Better be Mister Late than to be Late Mister.Better Late than Never!Do not mix drinking and driving.Do not use cell phone while driving.Don’t watch her behind. Keep safety in mind!Don’t be hasty when it comes to safety.Don’t learn safety by accident.Drive as if every child on the street were you own.Drive like hell and you will be there.Drive safety rules are your best tools.Drive with reason this holiday season.Drive, don’t fly.Driving faster can cause disaster.Driving like there’s no tomorrow is likely to produce that result.Everything comes your way, if you are in the wrong lane.Fast drive could be Last drive.Follow traffic rules, save your future.Get in high speed pursuit of safety.Get the safety habit.Have another day.Health & Safety. Words to live by.Hit and run was meant for the ball field.Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car.Ice & Snow – Take it slow.If you know you are driving to your death –would you still drive so fast?If you mess up, ‘fess up.Ignoring a warming can cause much mourning.Know road safety, No injury.
No road safety, Know injury.Know Safety. No Accidents.Lead the way. Be safe today.Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.Life don’t have Reset button.